Analyzing the Performance of ISO-NE Power Generation Resources

Over the last several years, the New England Independent System Operator (ISO-NE) has been undertaking a series of market enhancements to address the operational and reliability risks identified in its Strategic Planning Initiative. ISO-NE recently released a report, performed by a team from Analysis Group, which has played an important role in helping regional stakeholders understand and measure these risks. The report was conducted by an Analysis Group team, led by Principals Paul Hibbard and Todd Schatzki, to assist ISO-NE in analyzing the performance of power generation resources that are used after the region's power grid experiences a loss of large transmission or generation. 

The analysis, performed in May 2012, provided ISO-NE and its stakeholders in the region with more information related to a number of proposed changes to energy, reserve, and capacity market rules. The team performed statistical analyses to provide ISO-NE with quantitative metrics that help measure reliability, and also identified how performance varied along different dimensions, including types of resources, regulatory obligations, and system and market conditions. This information has been used by ISO-NE to consider the reliability and market design implications of unit performance that deviates from expectations.

Learn more about ISO-NE's Strategic Planning Initiative and read the report