Assessing Transmission-for-Renewables Projects

Analysis Group Energy experts have analyzed the economic impacts of several new transmission investments in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) footprint aimed at integrating large amounts of location-constrained wind power resources. These Multi Value Projects (MVPs) are elements of a larger portfolio of new transmission infrastructure designed to facilitate the delivery of wind resources to help MISO states meet state-level renewable portfolio standards and other electricity goals, including reduced congestion, increased reliability, accommodation of new or growing loads, and compliance with other documented energy policy mandates or laws.

Analysis Group professionals and affiliates have provided testimony before state commissions on the economic impacts of these projects. Analysis Group Principal Todd Schatzki has provided testimony on MVP elements in Minnesota and Illinois. These analyses were performed using PROMOD, an industry-standard market simulation model. Dr. Schatzki was supported by multiple Analysis Group team members, including Managing Principal Pavel Darling. Across these projects, Analysis Group has provided testimony on six of 17 MVPs, supporting more than 2,300 megawatts of new wind power in the MISO footprint.


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