Merger of AltaGas Ltd. and WGL Holdings, Inc.

For the proposed merger of two energy infrastructure companies – AltaGas Ltd. and WGL Holdings, Inc. – Analysis Group Principal Paul Hibbard provided expert testimony before the Maryland Public Service Commission and the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia.

As part of the merger review, Mr. Hibbard evaluated the potential carbon dioxide emission reduction and other environmental impacts of the proposed merger and associated merger commitments from the joint applicants, including WGL Holdings’ wholly owned subsidiary, Washington Gas Light Company. Mr. Hibbard also provided rebuttal testimony before the DC Commission describing the applicants' approach and commitment to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and addressing environmental remediation obligations. In his testimony, Mr. Hibbard provided estimates of reductions in carbon dioxide and methane emissions that could be traced to the companies' energy efficiency, renewables, and energy storage initiatives and commitments. Managing Principal Pavel Darling provided analytical support in the preparation of Mr. Hibbard's testimony.

Both commissions have approved the acquisition, contingent on meeting the conditions laid out in their respective settlement agreements. 

Read Mr. Hibbard's settlement testimony for DC and Maryland

Read the final approval orders from DC and Maryland



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