Wellesley Municipal Light Plant Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Study

The Town of Wellesley, Massachusetts, established a goal to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the electricity, transportation, and building sectors 25 percent by 2020. The Wellesley Municipal Light Plant (WMLP) retained Analysis Group Principal Paul Hibbard to review a range of actions that WMLP could take to reduce the GHG emission associated with the town's electric service. Specifically, Mr. Hibbard estimated the potential reduction quantities and costs associated with measures to reduce GHGs that could be initiated by WMLP.

The study represented Phase I of a scoping exercise to consider the suite of GHG emission reduction measures that are likely to be available to the WMLP in the near term. The report examined a wide range of GHG reduction measures, including reducing demand, developing or contracting for distributed and grid-connected renewable energy, and purchasing renewable energy credits.

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