An assessment of weight change associated with the initiation of a protease or integrase strand transfer inhibitor in patients with human immunodeficiency virus

Current Medical Research and Opinion, 2020


Evidence suggests that integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) are associated with greater weight gain than other antiretrovirals. This real-world study compares weight/body mass index (BMI) change between insured US patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) initiating a protease inhibitor (PI) or INSTI.


A retrospective longitudinal study was conducted using Decision Resources Group's Real World Data Repository (7/17/2017-6/1/2019). Adult patients with HIV-1 who initiated a new PI or INSTI on or after 7/17/2018 (index date) and had ≥12 months of continuous pre-index clinical activity were included. Baseline characteristics were balanced using inverse probability of treatment weighting. The proportion of patients with ≥5% weight/BMI increases and mean weight/BMI change from pre- to post-index were compared using odds ratios (ORs) and mean differences (MDs).


20,367 patients (9993 PI, 10,374 INSTI) were included (mean age = 50 years; ∼30% females). Pre- and post-index weight and BMI measurements were available in 429 and 430 PI patients, and 397 and 383 INSTI patients, respectively (mean time between index and post-index measurements: ∼7 months). The PI cohort was 39%/49% less likely to experience ≥5% weight/BMI increase than the INSTI cohort, respectively (OR [≥5% weight gain] = 0.61; p = .014; OR [≥5% BMI gain] = 0.51; p < .001). Mean weight/BMI gain was significantly lower in the PI cohort than the INSTI cohort (weight MD = -1.90 kg [-4.19 lbs], BMI MD = -0.61kg/m2; both p < .001).


Relative to INSTI, patients initiating a new PI were less likely to experience ≥5% weight/BMI gain post-index. Additionally, mean weight/BMI gain was lower in the PI than in the INSTI cohort.

View abstract


Chow W, Donga P, Côté-Sergent A, Rossi C, Lefebvre P, Lafeuille MH, Emond B, Hardy H