Transfusion-Related Cost and Time Burden Offsets in Patients with Myelofibrosis Treated with Momelotinib in the SIMPLIFY-1 and SIMPLIFY-2 Trials
Cancers, 2024
Red blood cell transfusions for anemia impose high financial and healthcare resource utilization burdens on patients with myelofibrosis (MF). This study estimates projected differences in medical costs and transfusion-related cost and time burdens with momelotinib vs. ruxolitinib or best available therapy (BAT) in Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor-naive and -experienced patients.
Analyses used 24-week transfusion data from the phase 3 SIMPLIFY-1 and SIMPLIFY-2 trials and cost estimates from a study of adult patients with MF using the US IBM MarketScan Commercial database. The analyses were stratified by transfusion status at baseline (transfusion dependent [TD], transfusion independent/requiring [TI/TR]). Subgroup analyses were conducted among patients with anemia (moderate anemia, hemoglobin ≥ 8 to <10 g/dL; moderate-to-severe anemia, hemoglobin < 10 g/dL) and for patients aged ≥65 years. Cost estimates for patients aged ≥65 years were extracted from a study using the Medicare Fee-for-Service database.
In JAK inhibitor-naive patients, momelotinib was projected to result in cost and time savings vs. ruxolitinib in both TD and TI/TR patients across all populations evaluated. Projected cost and time savings were also observed with momelotinib vs. BAT in JAK inhibitor-experienced patients across all populations evaluated, primarily in TD patients.
These results suggest that momelotinib may provide medical and transfusion-related cost and time burden offsets for both JAK inhibitor-naive and -experienced patients with MF.
Masarova L, Liu T, Fillbrunn M, Li W, Sajeev G, Rao S, Gorsh B, Signorovitch J