What Is Economic Consulting?

Economic consulting sits at the intersection of business, economics, and law. At Analysis Group, we conduct research for complex, real-world, analytical problems and provide support for expert witnesses in litigation.

Our clients include leading law firms, Fortune 500 companies, global health organizations, and government agencies. To solve problems, we apply academic values – integrity, quality, rigor, precision, and complexity – to client-directed research agendas. Our case areas include antitrust, securities, commercial disputes, and health care, as well as data science, energy and environment, technology, intellectual property, and more. Some questions we’ve analyzed include:

How We Work

Litigation Matters

A litigation case team’s work varies widely, and members help across all phases of the process. Case teams might:

  • Apply economic logic and data to assist the court in making an appropriate judgment
  • Calculate how much one party should be compensated for another causing harm
  • Do research for an academic or industry expert who will testify in court as an expert witness
  • Help attorneys understand the expert witness opinions

Explore our Pear TV mock case to learn about different aspects and phases of our litigation case work and the various roles our consultants play.


Health Care

Consultants in our HEOR, Epidemiology & Market Access practice employ a wealth of different data sources and rigorous analyses to generate evidence and help our clients in the health care sector improve their decision making. They also regularly publish work in peer-reviewed journals and present at conferences. While litigation-focused consultants often explore and move between different practice areas, consultants in our HEOR practice concentrate specifically in this space. For life science clients, we:

  • Analyze clinical trial data to understand how treatments perform across a range of outcomes and patient types, and use innovative statistical techniques to compare results to other treatments, including those not part of the clinical trial
  • Use real-world data sources and analytic techniques to assess disease burden, treatment patterns, health outcomes, and costs
  • Design patient surveys to examine experiences and preferences, and physician surveys to investigate treatment preferences and decision-making processes
  • Develop economic models to estimate the cost-effectiveness of a new treatment, or the budget impact of introducing a new treatment into a health system

Explore our Humira case study to learn about different stages of our health care work and the roles our consultants play thoughout the life cycle of a drug.