

Associate, Brussels

How were your first few weeks or months at Analysis Group?
AG has a welcoming, engaging, and gentle onboarding experience that makes it easy for newcomers to learn about its administration and case-related work. Also, both senior- and junior-level people are happy to grab a coffee and chat with you about their lives, careers, and cases. I was overwhelmed by all the high-level cases and clients, as well as the opportunities I had to be involved in those cases.
How has your perception of AG evolved since you started?
I’ve realized that AG has two priorities for its employees: developing excellent professional skills (technical, theoretical, and ethical) and people and social skills. AG cares about how you are doing, how you can become a better professional, and how to cultivate a good work environment. I see this in the importance that AG gives to mid-year and end-of-year reviews, as well as the quick action the firm takes when there is a minor problem. Even though AG has more than 1,200 employees, it cares about each of them.
What aspects of your work do you find most rewarding? What do you find most challenging?
I enjoy the collaborative, team-based environment at AG, where everyone has a voice when working on a case. Everyone I work with is very supportive, and the expertise across teams is incredible. I also enjoy the thrill of working on new cases, especially when I have to discover new markets and shape my skills in a new industry. For example, I can start the week as an expert on TV, and end the week knowing all the canned vegetable sales in French supermarkets. The most challenging part is keeping up with my team members’ high-level skills. More junior people can code things that I would have never dreamed of, while more senior people can expertly juggle five different cases.
How does your role contribute to the overall success of the team?
As an associate, I must be a channel between the analysts and the manager. This means that I must ensure that the data manipulation is done correctly and synthesized according to the manager’s needs. I need to have good knowledge of the data, the case, and the analysis we want to make; suggest new analyses; know the limitations of the data; and coordinate with the analysts.
What new skills, knowledge, or experiences have you gained at AG?
Even though I knew how to code before, AG showed me a cleaner and more efficient way to code. Also, I have completely changed my way of organizing my work and tasks to consider the needs and preferences of my teammates. I learned that if I reach out to people, they might have new skills or advice that they’d be happy to teach me.
How would you describe the atmosphere in your office?
Brussels is a one-of-a-kind office at AG. We have more nationalities than people (almost everyone has double nationalities), which makes every lunch conversation interesting, as we have many diverse points of view. Our analysts are a small and dynamic group who cheer the atmosphere, and are curious and willing to learn.
What are your favorite activities/hobbies outside of work?
I like playing video games, running, going to the movies and to museums, trying new cafés and restaurants, traveling, and visiting new cities. I also do sports during the week before work, and I cook at night to clear my mind.

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