James L.

Associate, Dallas

What motivated you to pursue a career at AG?
The work at Analysis Group allows for the development of problem-solving and management skills while also providing opportunities to learn about new fields in the business, academic, and legal worlds. However, what truly motivated me to pursue a career here are the people. There is no group out there that is smarter, more fun to be around, or happier to teach others and watch them succeed.
What aspects of your work do you find most rewarding? What do you find most challenging?
The competition inherent in high-stakes litigation leads to some of the most rewarding and challenging aspects of the job. Some of the biggest highlights – and challenges – of my career have involved coming up with strong, impactful rebuttals to opposing experts’ analyses, which requires precision and rigor.
How would you describe the dynamics within a case team? What types of cases have you worked on?
I’ve worked on several types of cases, including matters involving breach of contract, patent infringement, ERISA, and false advertising. Across all the teams I’ve worked on, both big and small, everyone is encouraged to voice their opinions, and any good idea is pursued regardless of who it came from. Even though the job is challenging and the hours can at times be long, case teams at AG often still remain lighthearted and relaxed.
What new skills, knowledge, or experiences have you gained at AG?
I’ve picked up plenty of case-specific knowledge and skills while working at AG, but the most personally impactful skill I’ve gained is team management. Finding the right balance between being hands-on and hands-off is a constant challenge, but the more time I’ve spent at AG, the more I feel like I’m narrowing in on the proper balance. While developing this skill will be a journey that spans my entire career, I’ve made great strides during my tenure as an associate.
How would you describe the atmosphere in your office?
Due to its relatively small size, the Dallas office has a tight-knit and casual office culture. Also, our office – and AG as a whole – is home to many of the smartest and most competent people I have ever met. Almost without exception, people at AG never take themselves too seriously. The people in the Dallas office foster a culture of selflessness and comradery, where everyone is genuinely excited for each other’s success.
How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance?
I maintain a healthy work-life balance by prioritizing time management. Getting ahead on work, when possible, helps to smooth the volatile working hours inherent in litigation consulting. While setting clear boundaries between work and personal life can be challenging due to strict deadlines and tight timelines, early and frequent communication about personal commitments or out-of-office time is very much respected by team members. This approach has enabled me to ensure that I have time for activities outside of work, including golfing, trying out new restaurants and bars with my wife, and playing with my two horribly trained Pomeranians.
James L.

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