

Senior Analyst, Dallas

What motivated you to pursue a career at AG?
I pursued a finance degree in college, so I wasn’t very familiar with AG or the fields of economic and litigation consulting before applying. However, while I was applying to positions, I came across Analysis Group and the litigation consulting field. When I read about the work that AG does, I was immediately intrigued because economic and litigation consulting sounded unique and different.
What aspects of your work do you find most rewarding? What do you find most challenging?
I find the highly varied work at AG most rewarding and most challenging. I really enjoy learning about the new industries, technologies, and economic and legal concepts that are relevant to each case. At the same time, this can present difficulties, since it means that I often have to set aside time to learn new concepts for each case. However, it’s rewarding to go from having very little knowledge to a deep understanding of a case and its relevant concepts!
What is it like to work on a case team? What types of cases have you worked on?
Working on a case team has always been a great experience for me. Depending on the case timeline, the experience can be demanding, but I have always found that my case team leaders are very thankful for the work that I and my teammates contribute. Also, my case team leaders have generally tried to ensure that everyone on the team maintains a healthy balance between work and personal time. I have worked on intellectual property (including patent, trademark, and trade secret), accounting and finance, breach of contract, and antitrust cases.
What opportunities for growth and learning have you found at AG?
AG provides its employees with constant opportunities for growth and learning. From a formal training perspective, I have learned the basics of coding languages such as R. My advisor has been a great resource in helping me figure out how to apply these new skills to case work. From a less formal perspective, my case managers also provide me with feedback on the work I do for cases. This has often entailed setting goals to improve my case contributions and to develop skills beyond those needed for my current position at AG.
How would you describe the atmosphere in your office?
The atmosphere in the Dallas office is incredibly supportive and close-knit. As we are one of the smaller AG offices, it is almost impossible not to have worked with everyone at least once! The Dallas office also does a really good job at planning office events (such as happy hours) every few months for everyone in the office to socialize outside of work. We are currently in the middle of the “Office Olympics,” which entails setting aside a few minutes of the day to play office-tailored versions of various Olympic sports!
What are your favorite activities/hobbies outside of work?
My absolute favorite hobby outside of work is studying new languages. In college, I took formal courses in Spanish, German, Chinese, Italian, and French, and I obtained a linguistics degree. I think my linguistics degree has really helped me learn about and teach myself the basics of new languages outside of school.

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