
Associate, New York

Why did you choose Analysis Group?
I chose AG because of the people. As a summer analyst intern, I was immediately welcomed by many colleagues eager to provide assistance and advice. Everything I’ve learned at Analysis Group is a result of my coworkers’ patient support, and as I gain more experience, I hope that I can similarly mentor more junior colleagues.
What do you enjoy most about your work? What do you find most challenging?
My favorite thing is the wide variety of different topics and questions I’ve had the opportunity to approach through an analytical lens. I’ve worked on projects examining securities and financial products, intellectual property, tax law, and a range of other subjects. It can be challenging to begin working on a new type of case, but the support from my colleagues and the stimulation of learning certainly eases the process.
What new experiences have you had at Analysis Group?
I’ve gained tremendous experience designing concrete analyses to address complex questions, and then presenting the results clearly and concisely to case team leadership. In doing so, I’ve taken the economic concepts I learned in school and thought critically about how to apply them to real-world scenarios. I’ve also gained valuable mentorship opportunities from senior colleagues, who have been happy to discuss their own career paths. This has been critical to thinking about my own future.
What is it like to work on a case team?
I’ve worked on a case where dozens of team members across multiple offices supported multiple external experts, but I’ve also worked on teams of less than five people. The unifying factor has been an openness for anyone at any level to bring ideas to the table. Whether I’m working with two or two dozen people, I always feel there is an opportunity for every voice to be heard.
What do you think about Analysis Group’s collaborative culture?
My colleagues overwhelmingly recognize the value-add of acting as a team, especially in casework, where it is important to consider every possible angle. And I think our eagerness to collaborate in casework is rooted in AG’s friendly culture – everyone in New York is eager to put their heads together to solve a crossword puzzle at lunch, or bookend case-team meetings with funny anecdotes and discussions of weekend plans.
Will Engellenner

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