Dov Rothman

Managing Principal
Dov Rothman


Ph.D., business administration, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley; M.Phil., development studies, Cambridge University; B.A., political science, University of California, Berkeley

Summary of Experience

Dr. Rothman specializes in the economic analysis of antitrust and competition issues. He has supported economic experts on multiple merger matters on behalf of the US Department of Justice (DOJ), the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and merging parties. He has also been retained by multiple private parties to present analyses to the DOJ and FTC and has testified for the DOJ and FTC as an expert witness in merger litigation. In addition to his merger work, Dr. Rothman has worked on multiple joint conduct and unilateral conduct matters.

Dr. Rothman is a senior editor of the Antitrust Law Journal. He has published research in outlets including Antitrust Law Journal, The Antitrust Source, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, and Concurrences: Competition Law Journal. Dr. Rothman has taught a course on the economics of merger analysis in the economics department at Harvard University. Prior to joining Analysis Group, he was an assistant professor at Columbia University.