Aolin Wang

Aolin Wang


Ph.D. and M.Sc., epidemiology, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health; B.Med., preventive medicine, Fudan University School of Public Health

Summary of Experience

Dr. Wang is an epidemiologist with expertise in epidemiologic methodology and advanced statistical techniques in health economics and outcomes research (HEOR). She has conducted comparative effectiveness studies; analyzed health care resource utilization and costs, treatment patterns, and clinical outcomes; and studied patient-reported outcomes (PROs). Dr. Wang has used data from large health insurance claims databases, clinical trials, medical chart review studies, hospital databases, and literature reviews to conduct HEOR assessments in oncology, hematology, cardiovascular disease, mental disorders, neurology, immunology, dermatology, and rheumatology. Her recent work includes real-world historical control studies to contextualize the results of single-arm trials and to convey meaningful value messages in health technology assessment (HTA) submissions and to regulatory agencies. She has presented her work at numerous conferences and published articles in a number of peer-reviewed journals. Prior to joining Analysis Group, Dr. Wang was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, San Francisco.