Yi Zhong

Yi Zhong


Ph.D. and M.S., economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.S., applied economics, University of Delaware; B.A., economics, Renmin University of China

Summary of Experience

Dr. Zhong specializes in the application of economic theory and econometric models to questions arising in complex health care litigation and health economics research. In a variety of health care litigation matters, including claims payment disputes; matters involving allegations of kickbacks, off-label promotion, and pay-for-delay generic entry; and commercial disputes, she has designed methods to evaluate causal relationship and assess damages and liability. She has assisted numerous affiliated experts in analysis, report preparation, and testimony in such matters. In the area of health economics research, Dr. Zhong has extensive experience in evaluating treatment effects using clinical trial and real-world data (RWD). She has designed methods to address selection in treatment initiation and confounding factors to evaluate the effects of medical treatments in different therapeutic areas. Dr. Zhong has also analyzed large clinical trial datasets, as well as government and private administrative claims and medical record datasets. She has published her health economics research in a number of peer-reviewed journals, including Muscle & Nerve, PLOS One, and Advances in Therapy.