Aaron Yeater

Managing Principal
Aaron Yeater


M.B.A., strategy and international finance, Yale School of Management; B.A., College of Social Studies, Wesleyan University

Summary of Experience

Mr. Yeater specializes in applying financial and economic analyses to complex business litigation and regulatory matters involving antitrust concerns, intellectual property claims, and other commercial disputes. Mr. Yeater serves as an expert witness and consults to clients in non-testifying roles. In more than 20 years as an economic consultant, he has led large, high-profile engagements supporting multiple experts in a variety of industries, including digital and traditional media, sports and entertainment, retail consumer goods, high-tech consumer products, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, agriculture, education, and financial services.

Mr. Yeater applies his expertise to analyze competition and substitution patterns, define relevant markets, and evaluate potential competitive effects and counterfactual outcomes in merger and competition investigations and antitrust litigation. He has served as a testifying economist concerning the analysis of merger efficiencies and procompetitive effects of conduct. Mr. Yeater has also evaluated competition, pricing, output and efficiencies, and procompetitive benefits in connection with merger and behavioral investigations in the US, Australia, Korea, the UK, and the EU. He has supported merging parties and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in a variety of merger investigations. In other litigation matters, Mr. Yeater has applied his expertise in financial and economic concepts to the analysis of damages, and has provided assistance throughout all phases of pretrial and trial practice.

Mr. Yeater serves as a vice chair to the American Bar Association (ABA) Antitrust Law Section’s Podcasting Committee, producing and hosting episodes of the committee’s Our Curious Amalgam podcast. Previously, he was a vice chair of the Food and Agriculture Committee. He publishes and presents regularly on topics relevant to his expertise, including the economic analysis of competition, the calculation of damages in antitrust and other cases, and class certification.