Justin N. McLean

Managing Principal
Justin N. McLean


M.S., industrial administration, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University; B.A., economics, Swarthmore College

Summary of Experience

Mr. McLean specializes in applying finance and economics to problems in complex business litigation, including securities, valuation, tax, and intellectual property (IP) matters. His experience spans several industries, from banking, insurance, and high tech to telecommunications and health care. He has served as an expert witness, and has provided assistance in many phases of litigation, including development, presentation, and review of pretrial discovery; preparation of testimony; and critique of analyses of opposing experts.

Mr. McLean’s case work has included general damages analyses, lost profit and reasonable royalty calculations related to IP misappropriation, and assessments of fiduciary duties and investment management. In addition, he has evaluated the economic characteristics and risk transfer of a range of financial instruments, such as private mortgage insurance, subprime loans, and preferred equity in a new venture. He has led large case teams in a number of high-profile matters, including consulting to the US Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding the financial issues involved in tribal trust fund disputes, and supporting counsel for a large electronics manufacturer in litigation associated with features on smartphones and tablets.

In addition, Mr. McLean has presented on topics related to damages assessment and patents. He has also worked with entrepreneurial companies, helping to develop financial projections, business plans, and marketing strategies.