Eric Korman

Eric Korman


M.B.A., The University of Chicago Booth School of Business; M.A., international economics and finance, and B.A., economics, Brandeis University

Summary of Experience

Mr. Korman is an expert on issues related to finance, regulatory, antitrust, and class action matters, with extensive experience in securities litigation. His experience includes performing damages exposure analyses, supporting counsel in mediation, and supporting experts in their preparation of testimony and reports on class certification, liability, and damages issues in numerous Rule 10b-5 and Section 11 matters, including the securities fraud class action matter T. Jeffrey Simpson, et al. v., Inc., et al. – one of the relatively few securities fraud matters that has proceeded to trial – and recent securities matters in the high-tech, health care, energy, and industrial sectors, among others. In the context of ERISA litigation, he has evaluated investment performance, fees, portfolio management, mutual funds, and stable value funds.

Mr. Korman has extensive experience analyzing market power in wholesale electric power markets. He has analyzed such markets in several M&A proceedings, and supported the preparation of numerous wholesale power market analyses related to company applications for market-based rate authority from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). He has also provided testimony on these issues to FERC on several occasions.

In addition, Mr. Korman has published on topics related to the energy and financial markets, including contributing a chapter titled “Federal Securities Acts and Areas of Expert Analysis” to the Litigation Services Handbook.