Alex Robinson

Vice President
Alex Robinson


Ph.D., economics, Duke University; B.A., economics and mathematics, Whitman College

Summary of Experience

Dr. Robinson specializes in the application of economics and statistics to questions arising in antitrust, government investigations, health care, and commercial litigation. In her antitrust work, Dr. Robinson has evaluated market definition, market power, competitive effects, and efficiencies across a range of industries, including health care, pharmaceuticals, and consumer and industrial goods. In merger cases, she has supported experts for the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the US Department of Justice (DOJ), and merging parties related to horizontal and vertical transactions. She has also worked on matters involving labor and employment, intellectual property, and data privacy. Dr. Robinson has supported experts and clients in all phases of the litigation process, including pretrial discovery, preparation of expert reports, depositions, and trial testimony. Her writings have been published in the Journal of Risk and Insurance, Global Competition Review, and Law360.