Rachel Bechek

Vice President
Rachel Bechek


M.A., economics, University of Michigan; B.A., economics, Colby College

Summary of Experience

Ms. Bechek specializes in applying economic and quantitative analysis to questions arising in corporate governance, finance, antitrust, and intellectual property (IP) litigation. She has worked with academic experts to analyze a wide variety of industries, including media and technology, private equity, home mortgages, midstream oil and gas, and transportation, and has assisted in all phases of the litigation process, including expert reports, depositions, and trial preparation. Ms. Bechek’s experience supporting experts in corporate governance spans a variety of topics, including alter ego claims, clawback policies, and the reasonableness of board decision-making and deal approval systems and processes. Ms. Bechek’s work on financial matters has included assessing the stock price impact of company disclosures and performing loss causation and damages analyses in disputes involving residential mortgage-backed securities. She has also supported experts in high-profile IP matters involving trademark infringement and FRAND compliance and cartel damages litigation in various industries.

Read Rachel’s profile