Shannon N. Seitz

Shannon N. Seitz


Ph.D. and M.A., economics, The University of Western Ontario; B.Com., economics, University of Saskatchewan

Summary of Experience

Dr. Seitz specializes in applying economic and statistical analyses to complex litigation matters involving antirust, class certification, labor economics, and data privacy. She has evaluated market definition, damages, class certification issues, and competitive effects in antitrust matters spanning multiple industries, including pharmaceuticals, technology, and consumer products. Dr. Seitz has extensive experience with litigation matters involving non-compete agreements and allegations of no-poach and wage-fixing agreements. She has also evaluated consumer choice in litigation involving data privacy. Dr. Seitz has provided expert testimony in employee misclassification litigation and authored expert reports on damages and class certification in wage and hour litigation. Dr. Seitz’s research has been published in the CPI Antitrust Chronicle, the International Economic Review, The Review of Economic Studies, the Journal of Labor Economics, Distribution, and Antirust. She was formerly a co-editor at LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations. Prior to joining Analysis Group, Dr. Seitz was an assistant professor of economics at Boston College, where she taught courses in labor economics and econometrics.