
Principal, Boston

What has it been like “growing up” at Analysis Group?
AG has been a super supportive environment in which to develop as a consultant. There is something really special about “growing up” alongside what have become lifelong friends and colleagues.
How has the firm changed since you started in 2003?
The firm is much larger than when I started as an analyst. In Boston alone, the firm has grown from two and a half floors to nine! We’ve also opened several more offices. But the core principles feel the same. AG remains a place where colleagues collaborate and value teamwork, intellectual curiosity, and rigor.
What do you do when you’re not working?
Chances are that I’m by a soccer field or at a pool, cheering. We have four school-age kids, so I am very much in my “youth sports parent” era.
What has kept you at AG throughout the years?
My colleagues and the interesting work. I feel like I have not graduated from school, in the best way possible. Each case presents opportunities to learn about new topics, new techniques or approaches, and new clients and colleagues.
Describe one of your favorite memories of your time at AG.
When I was an analyst, I accompanied an academic expert to trial in Houston. Watching his trial testimony brought to life the analytics on which we had been working for several months. I loved that I was at a firm where the senior management had the confidence in me, regardless of my level and title, to let me attend the trial. In general, working with thought leaders in their respective fields is one of the best aspects of working at Analysis Group. The frequent interaction and collaboration we have with experts makes each case feel like a mini–graduate program in the issues relevant to the particular matter.
How has AG supported you throughout your career?
The flexible work environment has meant I don’t have to choose between family and career. Even before the pandemic changed how we all use technology, I could use my laptop and work from home in the evenings if needed. Communication and planning allow us to be human beings here as well as consultants.
Why did you decide to rejoin AG after graduate school?
I rejoined AG after graduate school because I knew firsthand how great the people were and how interesting and engaging the projects were. I couldn’t imagine continuing my career anyplace else.
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Laura  Comstock

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