Anthony T. LoSasso

Ph.D., economics, Indiana University Bloomington; M.A., economics, DePaul University
Summary of Experience
Professor LoSasso’s research spans several dimensions of health economics and health services research, focusing on how government policies affect private sector decisions. He has studied the impact of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program on insurance coverage among children and the extent to which public coverage “crowded out” private coverage. In addition, Professor LoSasso has examined how community rating regulations affected individual health insurance coverage. His research has also addressed the effects of health savings accounts and other high-deductible health insurance products on service use and spending. Professor LoSasso’s research has appeared in leading academic journals, including Health Affairs, The Journal of Health Economics, The Journal of Public Economics, and The Journal of Risk and Insurance. He is an associate editor at Medical Care Research and Review and serves on the editorial board of Health Services Research and Journal of Community Health. In addition to his academic research, Professor LoSasso has provided expert testimony in numerous matters pertaining to the appropriateness of FAIR Health methodology for use as health care charge benchmarks, as well as for use in workers’ compensation medical reimbursement disputes. He is a former executive director of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon).