David Grabowski

Ph.D. and M.A., public policy, The University of Chicago
Summary of Experience
Professor Grabowski specializes in health care economics, with a particular focus on insurance coverage and prescription drug markets and prices. He has testified before Congress on payment and quality issues in health care, and was the principal investigator on several research projects funded by the National Institute on Aging. He has also testified as an expert in a large pharmaceutical antitrust litigation matter, in which he explained how prescriptions are paid for. As a member of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), Professor Grabowski advised Congress on issues impacting the Medicare program. He has served as a technical expert for numerous organizations, including the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Professor Grabowski’s research on such topics as post-acute care payment models, Medicare hospital payment systems, and COVID policies in long-term care has been widely published in peer-reviewed journals as well as medical and mainstream media. Additionally, his work has earned support from numerous organizations, including the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Commonwealth Fund, and the Donaghue Foundation. Professor Grabowski is a frequent speaker at national and international health economics conferences.