Joël Peress

Ph.D., economics, University of Chicago; M.Phil., economics, London School of Economics
Summary of Experience
Professor Peress is an expert in finance, specializing in capital markets, asset pricing, and portfolio theory. His theoretical and empirical research focuses on the generation and diffusion of information in financial markets, with applications to asset management, financial disclosures, media, and economic growth. His experience as an expert in securities litigation includes consulting work and the preparation of expert reports.
Professor Peress has published numerous articles in leading academic journals, including The Journal of Finance, TheReview of Financial Studies, The Journal of Portfolio Management, and The Journal of Economic Theory. He was twice awarded the Smith Breeden Prize for best paper published in The Journal of Finance, and was recognized in 2011 as the “Best Young Researcher in Finance,” a title awarded by the Institut Louis-Bachelier and the Institut Europlace de Finance, two foundations that promote financial research. Professor Peress serves as coeditor of The Review of Finance, the leading academic finance journal in Europe. He also served as a visiting scholar at Princeton University's Bendheim Center for Finance in 2006, the London School of Economics in 2007–2008, and University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business in 2013–2014. An accomplished teacher, he was twice awarded the Deans' Commendation for Excellence in M.B.A. Teaching. While working on his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Chicago, Professor Peress worked at Lehman Brothers in both the fixed-income research and emerging market desk groups based in London and New York, respectively.