Laura T. Starks

Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin; M.B.A., The University of Texas at San Antonio
Summary of Experience
Professor Starks is an expert in finance, investment management practices, capital markets, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG). Her current research focuses on ESG issues, including climate finance and board diversity, as well as the links between molecular genetics and financial decisions. Professor Starks has served as an expert witness in federal courts on behalf of Wells Fargo, Merrill Lynch Asset Management, Vesta Insurance, and DuPont. Her research on finance issues has been published widely, and she is the editor of the Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis Series of books, a former editor of The Review of Financial Studies, and a former advisory editor of Financial Analysts Journal and Financial Management. Professor Starks received the Moskowitz Prize for Outstanding Research in Sustainable Finance for “Corporate ESG Profiles and Investor Horizons.” She is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research, a research member of the European Corporate Governance Institute, and a senior fellow at the Asian Bureau of Financial and Economic Research. Professor Starks has served as president of the Society of Financial Studies, the Western Finance Association, the Financial Management Association, and the American Finance Association. She has served on mutual fund boards of directors, pension fund advisory committees, the board of governors of the Investment Company Institute, the governing council of the Independent Directors Council, and advisory committees of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund.