Ph.D., economics, Harvard University; M.A., public finance and decision theory, Harvard University; M.Sc., development economics, London School of Economics
Summary of Experience
Professor Hanemann is a leading authority on the economics of water, climate change, and non-market valuation, and played a major role in the development of both revealed and stated preference methodologies for non-market valuation. Professor Hanemann has provided expert reports and testimony in high-profile natural resource damages litigation matters, including several involving water pollution, and coauthored expert reports on the economic value of lost recreation and on non-use value damages resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill and the BP oil spill. He also gave extensive deposition and trial testimony as an expert witness on natural resource damages in the American Trader oil spill in California. Professor Hanemann has experience as a consultant and technical advisor to water resource agencies. In addition to many publications on natural resource damages and the economics of water, he has written about the determinants of urban water use, price and rate structures in urban water demand management and planning, economic institutions and increasing water scarcity, and urban water-rate design based on marginal cost. In 2003, he founded the California Climate Change Center at the University of California, Berkeley, and directed it until 2008. Professor Hanemann is a member of the National Academy of Sciences.