Molly Frean

Ph.D., health care management and economics, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; B.A., economics and psychology, Macalester College
Summary of Experience
Dr. Frean specializes in the application of economic theory to complex questions about the health care industry, including topics such as insurance coverage, pharmaceuticals, and provider behavior. She has consulted on matters related to off-label promotion, the False Claims Act, and antitrust. In addition to her litigation experience, Dr. Frean has worked on several cases in health economics and outcomes research. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Health Economics, The New England Journal of Medicine, and Health Affairs. Earlier in her career, Dr. Frean worked as a research assistant at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and in health care consulting.
Disease Progression Rates in Ambulatory Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy by Steroid Type, Patient Age and Functional Status
Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research, 2023
2023McDonald CM, Marden JR, Shieh PB, Wong BL, Lane H, Zhang A, Nguyen H, Frean M, Trifillis P, Koladicz K, Signorovitch J
Functional and Clinical Outcomes Associated with Steroid Treatment among Non-Ambulatory Patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy1
Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases, 2023
2023McDonald CM, Mayer OH, Hor KN, Miller D, Goemans N, Henricson EK, Marden JR, Freimark J, Lane H, Zhang A, Frean M, Trifillis P, Koladicz K, Signorovitch J