Michael Beauregard

M.A., economics, University of California, Los Angeles; B.A., economics, University of California, San Diego
Summary of Experience
Mr. Beauregard specializes in conducting sophisticated economic, financial, and statistical analyses. His consulting experience includes many litigation and arbitration proceedings, as well as internal and regulatory investigations. He has supported experts and assisted counsel in a variety of antitrust, securities, ERISA, commercial litigation, and intellectual property matters.
In antitrust cases, Mr. Beauregard’s experience includes allegations of price-fixing, predatory pricing, price discrimination, concerted refusals to deal, and monopolization and attempted monopolization. His securities experience includes matters related to allegations of breach of fiduciary duty, securities fraud, and excessive mutual fund fees. In his ERISA work, Mr. Beauregard has led teams analyzing ERISA violations through the inclusion of inappropriate investment options or charging excessive fees, among other matters. Throughout multiple commercial litigation matters, he has supported academic experts on topics related to fraud, breach of contract, and tortious interference. Additionally, Mr. Beauregard has conducted lost profits and reasonable royalty damages analyses in a number of intellectual property cases.
- Chill, et al. v. Calamos Advisors LLC
- Davis v. Stadion Money Management, LLC
- ERISA Class Action against Provider of Retirement Plan Services to Small- and Mid-Sized Plans
- In re American Funds Fee Litigation
- Leonid Falberg v. The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., et al.
- Malden Transportation Company, Inc., et al. v. Uber Technologies, Inc. and Rasier, LLC
- Obeslo, et al. v. Great-West Capital Management, et al.
- Shareholder Derivative Suit Following an Operational Incident
- United States v. Schiff
- Wildman v. American Century Services, LLC, et al.