Jimmy Royer

Ph.D., M.A., and B.A., economics, Université Laval
Summary of Experience
Dr. Royer applies a broad range of quantitative tools to address client needs in data science, statistics, HEOR, finance, intellectual property, competition policy, and antitrust cases in the United States, Canada, and the EU. His recent work includes predicting the potential future onset of rare or undiagnosed conditions with machine learning models; predicting whether patents would be considered essential to technological standards if challenged in courts; valuing patents in the communications industry; evaluating damages related to product defects; analyzing investment guidelines in securities lending suits; addressing allegations of monopolization in major antitrust cases involving high tech firms; and supporting many academic experts on mutual fund market timing and excess fee cases. In addition, Dr. Royer has conducted extensive academic research and coauthored books and papers on topics such as using new AI advances in HEOR; predicting treatment resistance in tuberculosis, using machine learning algorithms in propensity score models; measuring the impact of ESO backdating on shareholders’ wealth; analyzing mutual fund pricing; analyzing antitrust limit pricing; valuing private investments for hospitals in Canada; determining the impact of hypertension therapies on mortality; and comparing unemployment compensation in different countries.
- Analysis Group Pro Bono Team Assists Harvard Medical School in TB Genome Machine Learning Project
- Analysis in NFL Players Association Deflategate Matter
- Apple v. Samsung Injunction Ruling (December 2012)
- Apple v. Samsung Injunction Ruling (July 2014)
- Apple v. Samsung Trial (May 2014)
- Assessing Adverse Events
- Assessing Health Care Patent Infringement Claims
- Colgate v. Procter & Gamble Company
- ContentGuard Holdings Inc. v. Google Inc.
- Florida State Board of Administration v. Alliance Capital Management
- FNAC Darty Acquisition of Nature & Decouvertes
- In re American Funds Fee Litigation
- In re: Alere-Abbott Merger Litigation
- Multiple Antitrust Litigations on Behalf of Large Semiconductor Manufacturer
- Predicting the Essentiality of Standard Essential Patents
- Quebec Coalition for Tobacco Control - Data Visualization of Smoking and Vaping
- Tribunal de commerce francophone de Bruxelles - Patrinvest v. SA Ageas
- Twitter v. Elon Musk, et al.
- United States v. Cioffi
- United States v. Mark David Radley, et al.
Tree-Based Machine Learning to Identify Predictors of Psoriasis Incidence at the Neighborhood Level: A Populational Study from Quebec, Canada
American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, 2024
2024Muntyanu A, Milan R, Kaouache M, Ringuet J, Gulliver W, Pivneva I, Royer J, Leroux M, Chen K, Yu Q, Litvinov I, Griffiths CEM, Ashcroft DM, Rahme E, Netchiporouk E
Development of Predictive Models to Inform a Novel Risk Categorization Framework for Antibiotic Resistance in E. coli-Causing Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2024
2024Shields RK, Cheng WY, Kponee-Shovein K, Indacochea D, Gao C, Kuwer F, Joshi AV, Mitrani-Gold FS, Schwab P, Ferrinho D, Mahendran M, Pinheiro L, Royer J, Preib MT, Han J, Colgan R
Development and evaluation of a predictive algorithm for unsatisfactory response among patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension using health insurance claims data
Current Medical Research and Opinion, 2022
2022Gauthier-Loiselle M, Tsang Y, Lefebvre P, Agron P, Royer J, Lynum KB, Bennett L, Panjabi S
Predicting Clinical Remission of Chronic Urticaria Using Random Survival Forests: Machine Learning Applied to Real-World Data
Dermatology and Therapy, 2022
2022Pivneva I, Balp MM, Geissbühler Y, Severin T, Smeets S, Signorovitch J, Royer J, Liang Y, Cornwall T, Pan J, Danyliv A, McKenna SJ, Marsland AM, Soong W
Beyond multidrug resistance: Leveraging rare variants with machine and statistical learning models in Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance prediction
EBioMedicine, 2019
2019Chen ML, Doddi A, Royer J, Freschi L, Schito M, Ezewudo M, Kohane IS, Beam A, Farhat M
Smart Contracts & Their Potential Tax Implications
Lawyer Monthly, October 24, 2018
2018 -
Over-Declaration of Standard Essential Patents and Determinants of Essentiality
SSRN, April 12, 2017
2017Van Audenrode M, Royer J, Stitzing R, Sääskilahti P
Decision Making with Machine Learning in Our Modern, Data-Rich Health-Care Industry
Decision Making in a World of Comparative Effectiveness Research
2017 -
An Analysis of Investment and Drawdown Strategies over a Long Retirement Horizon
Working Paper, December 2014
2014Royer J, Shmutte K, Giguere P, Koehn M, Van Audenrode M
Is backdating executive stock options always costly to shareholders?
Accounting & Finance, 53(3), September 2013
2013Grégoire P, Hubbard R, Koehn M, Van Audenrode M, Royer J
The Mutual Fund Industry: Competition and Investor Welfare
Columbia University Press
2010Hubbard G, Koehn M, Ornstein S, Van Audenrode M, Royer J
The Value Of Antihypertensive Drugs: A Perspective On Medical Innovation
Health Affairs
2007Cutler D, Long G, Berndt E, Royer J, Fournier A, Sasser A, Cremieux P
The economic impact of a partnership-measurement model of disease management: Improving Cardiovascular Outcomes in Nova Scotia (ICONS)
Healthc Q 2007;10(2):38-46
2007Cremieux P, Fortin P, Meilleur M, Montague T, Royer J
The Impact of Antihypertensive Drugs on the Number and Risk of Death, Stroke, and Myocardial Infarction in the United States
National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper
2006Berndt E, Sasser A, Long G, Cremieux P, Royer J, Fournier AA
May 5, 2024
November 17, 2024
January 14, 2025
September 19, 2024
June 18, 2024
May 22, 2024
May 10, 2023
April 11, 2023