Rebeccah Weiss Filsoof

M.B.A., economics, managerial and organizational behavior, and strategic management, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business; B.A., Latin American history, Brown University
Summary of Experience
Ms. Filsoof has conducted economic and financial analyses and managed case teams in support of academic and industry experts in a broad range of finance and securities, antitrust, and commercial litigation matters. Her finance and securities case work has included examining allegations of securities fraud, evaluating investment compliance and suitability and compliance with fiduciary duties, assessing corporate governance, analyzing investment management fees, analyzing the performance of mortgages and mortgage-backed securities (MBS), and assessing the appropriateness of class certification. Ms. Filsoof has supported industry and academic experts on a variety of topics related to MBS, including due diligence, loan underwriting, appraisal, trustee duties, and damages. She has also supported industry experts in addressing regulatory compliance and banking practices, including issues related to fraud, Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance, third-party lending relationships, and mortgage lending. Ms. Filsoof’s antitrust case work has included analyzing market structure and competitive dynamics, evaluating the competitive effects of mergers, assessing the appropriateness of class certification, and estimating antitrust damages. Her case work has spanned multiple industries, including financial services, insurance, payment cards, high tech, aviation, and pharmaceuticals. She has substantial experience in payments and has supported academic and industry experts in multiple litigation and consulting engagements involving payment cards and emerging payment methods. Ms. Filsoof has provided assistance to attorneys in all phases of the litigation process, including case strategy, discovery, expert reports, deposition, and trial.
- Allegations of Bid Rigging by Major Insurers
- Argentinian Economic Crisis
- Assessing Health Care Patent Infringement Claims
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota et al v. Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
- Chill, et al. v. Calamos Advisors LLC
- In re: Foreign Exchange Benchmark Rates Antitrust Litigation
- Obeslo, et al. v. Great-West Capital Management, et al.
- Western & Southern Life Insurance Co et al v Bank of New York Mellon