Monopolization & Exclusionary Practices

We have examined the impact of monopolization and exclusionary practices in some of the largest cases of the past two decades, including cases involving Microsoft, MasterCard, Visa, and leading manufacturing and pharmaceutical companies. In addition to providing effective assessments of liability and antitrust damages within the context of industry-specific market dynamics, we have also analyzed the role of business strategy with respect to a range of competitive factors.

Our Capabilities

Our experts have analyzed issues of market power and abuse of market power in matters involving allegations of:

  • Monopoly leveraging
  • Predatory pricing
  • Price discrimination   
  • Violations of F/RAND (fair and/reasonable and non-discriminatory terms) in the context of patent licensing and monopolization claims
  • Bundled discounts
  • Patent-related behavior, such as product switching
  • Reverse payment
  • Foreclosure


We have provided expert testimony in several matters involving generic entry in the pharmaceutical industry and allegations of extended monopoly power through abuse of patent protection. Over the past decade, we have worked on several high-profile cases involving alleged anticompetitive impact of structures in the payment card industry.

Our Capabilities