Minh P. Doan

Vice President
Minh P. Doan


M.A., economics, Northwestern University; M.S., actuarial science, University of Iowa; B.A., mathematics and economics, Berea College

Summary of Experience

Ms. Doan has more than 15 years of experience in evaluating economic damages and providing expert testimony in complex commercial disputes, including patent infringement, copyright, trademark, trade secret, breach of contract, false advertising, class certification, loss of earnings, and antitrust matters. She has submitted numerous expert reports and testified as an expert witness in deposition and trial. Her work leading large engagements from strategy to implementation has included developing damages models and determining lost sales, lost profits, unjust enrichment, reasonable royalties, and price erosion damages. In patent infringement matters, Ms. Doan has evaluated commercial success issues and economic criteria relevant to obtaining an injunction. She also has expertise in assessing claims of class-wide economic injury and damages in class certification matters. Ms. Doan has been recognized as among the top economic experts for intellectual property matters by Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) in the IAM Patent 1000. She is an associate of the Society of Actuaries. Prior to joining Analysis Group, she worked in pension actuarial consulting.